All non-motorway roads in Hampshire are the responsibility of Hampshire County Council. If you have an issue relating to the road network go to the County Council’s Roads and Highways webpage for more information.
Motorways are planned and maintained by a non-elected body or QUANGO known as Highways England. It has proven very difficult for local elected members to enter into dialogue with this agency or even receive briefings from them and why after much campaigning the stretch of the M27 through West End is still concreted.
With Government seeming to accept that too few homes have built over the last three decades, many local authorities are finding that their local plans are not being accepted due to pessimistic housing numbers. Eastleigh Borough Council finds itself in just such a position following the abolition of the South East Plan on the change of Government in 2010. Under this plan housing and transport infrastructure strategy was being developed for future growth of the area. Some saw the management of it as not particularly democratic, but removing it left a more local resource with arguably less funding and too small a view of the issues involved. The body now responsible for the housing and transport infrastructure strategy is the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH), which is managed by each council leader of the southern local authorities between Portsmouth and Southampton, along with their Chief Executive Officers. The body is more democratic, but only responsible for a small area, so housing and transport infrastructure pressures can only be dealt with on a very local basis.
I’m not easily impsersed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂