West End Parish Council is served by 14 councillors who receive absolutely no remuneration for their services. As a group they develop the policies that dictate how the council operates. They are the equivalent to the Board of Directors to the staff as is the case for all other tiers of local government. in 2016, the precept or money raised by West End council tax payers is around £400,000. The councillors must act in a transparent manner when spending that money, which is why all decisions have to be Minuted and those Minutes are attached to the Parish Council website for public examination. The highlight of the council year is the annual carnival event and this year the theme will be the Rio Olympics.
Parish Council meetings
The Parish Council meetings are meetings held in public, so you are very welcome to pop along. The meeting items and agendas are published in advance on the Parish Council website, so if you have a Planning issues or maybe something relating to a local open space, then you may want to attend a particular meeting.
2016/17 Budget Setting
Like all other local authorities, West End Parish Councillors have met to form a decision on what rate of council tax it will recommend to Full Council. This year as in all but one year since 2011, councillors have agreed on a 0% council tax increase.
Community Volunteers
It is not only the elected members who work to make the community a better place, but also local volunteers. Whether that be representing the community on outside bodies such as the Friends of Hatch Grange or Friends of West End Copse or managing a community centre such as Hilldene.