The Role of Governing bodies in Raising Educational Standards in a competitive Education market.
From time to time, I am fortunate enough to attend events relating to my council responsibilities and so it was that on 16 March 2016, I was invited to the concluding session of a three-day training programme, entitled “The Role of Governing bodies in Raising Educational Standards in a competitive Education market”. The interactive session centred on best practices, key developments and challenges of School Governance in the UK and Nigeria.
Members of the Panel were key stakeholders in the UK and Nigerian Education Sectors that included;
- Cllr. Rob Wood – Education Strategist, Councillor in Portsmouth City Council and School Governor
- Hajiya Samira Jibir – President of the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS) Abuja and School Proprietor.
- Mrs Tanya Riordan – Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Continuing Studies (SECS) University of Portsmouth.

The audience comprised International Educators, School Proprietors from Nigeria, Researchers, School Governors, Students and any individual interested in knowing more about Governance and Education systems.
The aim was to gain a better understanding of the two systems and explore any transferable best practices, which can improve the educational standards and facilitate inter-collaborative learning. The session was particularly useful in that it not only helped me gain a better understanding of;
- The developments in school governance in the UK and Nigeria
- Competitive Market in the Private Education sector Nigeria and Impact on raising educational standards
- Challenges of governance in the education sector and school system in both countries
but it also helped my understanding of our own education system and that of other European countries, through the contribution of the various academics in attendance.