Eastleigh Household Recycling Rates; 1st out of 13 Hampshire Councils!
Eastleigh Borough Council’s household recycling rate is the best in the county at 40%. Even so, across the country these figures have flat-
Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC)
It is against this backdrop that Hampshire County Council are seeking to reduce the waste collection service that they are responsible for. Remember, doorstep household waste collection is the responsibility of the District councils, so Eastleigh’s 40% figure is because of the Borough Council’s efforts, that is, your local Liberal Democrat team.
Whenever councils seek to reduce dramatically the public service you pay your council tax for, they have by law to consult the public. During the last 6 years, there have been a number of these dramatic cuts, which is why there seems to be a continual round of consultations. The most recent HWRC consultation finished on 12 July 2016. One of the options the Tory run county council are proposing is to close some of the recycling centres. There are only 24 of these dotted around the county, which is surprising when you think how big the county is and how many people live here. The county council had considered closing half of them, but 92% of the public who responded to the consultation opposed this action. However, the Tory executive member for Economy, Transport and the Environment is still considering closing all the sites for at least one day a week and charging residents extra for using the sites when he makes his decision on the 22 July. It does represent a modicom of success that the county council listened and did not close the 12 recycling centres they wanted to. The full results of the HWRC consultation can be found on the county council website by following this link…
The reason for this round of cuts is because of the Chancellor’s decision to reduce the amount of funding given to local authorities and in particular the Hampshire Tories are seeking to make up to £1.5m savings.