If you see a Highways defect, please report it via the Hampshire Highways Report Highways Issue weblink.. Once you have reported a problem, you will be issued with a “Track it” number. Click here to follow progress and you will see a pages such as these;-
Potholes Galore!
West End is normally one of the few areas in the county without potholes, but the long wet winter has put paid to that record. Residents have been asking me when they will be repaired. The problem is mostly a technical one in that the holes need to dry out sufficiently before they can be properly repaired. Now that the intense wet weather period looks to be behind us, we will see all the West End potholes repaired. Those of you who frequently travel our roads have told me that by far the worst pothole is in Bubb Lane!
Kerbstone marked, but nothing done for a year!
For those of you who do not know where Tyne Way is, it is tucked out of the way off Hope Road. A local resident thinks that the council has forgotten where it is, because this kerbstone was marked with a white cross more than a year ago!
A local resident has reported it and the Track it number is –
Damaged Verges
Many people park illegally on pavements and grass verges. Sometimes this causes an obstruction to pedestrians and mobility scooter users and sometimes when it has been raining a lot, it simply makes our community look ugly.
A local resident has reported it and I am on the case.
Dropped Kerb in Sharon Road
Over the years these kerbs in Sharon Road have dropped below a level that protects the verge when vehicles are undertaking a three-
A local resident has reported it and the Track it number is –
How long has this hole in road been here!
Numerous Chapel Road residents have been asking me when this hole in the road is going to be filled in? I checked with Highways Report a defect web page and discovered that the hole has already been reported and that a third party is responsible and no information available as to when the hole will be filled in. However, when speaking to Hampshire Highways, it appears that Virgin Media have been asked to divert their cables in order that a storm drain can be repaired. As of 19 April 2016 Virgin Media had still not been able to supply a date when this work will be carried out.
Thankfully, on 20 May 2016, the repair to the storm drain was eventually started. What took Virgin Media so long!